
The Eleventh Sun of Brotemburgh

A man came to visit me today.
Told me my mother had died.
~ * I'mm sorrryyyy *%~
Nah, it's ok. I don't really remember much about her. My lyricasting emerged when I was four years old, so I was immediatly drafted into the Muse's Boarding school for gifted nobles. I don't even remember who my parent's were, or what they did for a living.
~ * wwhhyyy? ~%*
Well I guess my parent's put up a fuss and didn't want them to take me. So they were excommunicated from the sanctum. I can't understand why they wouldn't want me to go, it's a wonderful opportunity, and if we weren't already nobility, well then SHAZAM! Instant nobility, most consider it an honor, can't see why they would care.
~~% sheeee loved youuu ?%*
But this messenger guy handed me a letter and told me to keep it confidential. I guess she left something for me in her final bequeathments for me. I wonder what is was...
~ ~ ~?*
I wonder who she was? I bet she was someone important before she was excommunicated. I bet it is some sort of enchanted Muir Crystal, or a Muir Crystal necklace! I wonder what she did after they took me?
I bet she fought for years to get me back.
~ ~
I'm not getting my hopes up Biki, but thanks for your concern. I should meet with this man tonight in secret.
~ ~* sssafffe?%~
Of course it has to be safe, does he really think he can match my nimble fingers and song!
~ ~*%!
I can't ask anyone to come with me, my mother was excommunicated Biki! I'm already in enough trouble with Stathama when he gets back for the metal hoof incident. I don't want to add "fraternizing with the banished dead" to my list of charges.
~ ~* Oooodikoooorrh?%~
He might be dumb, but is isn't that dumb. I would need someone that doesn't care of our rules, or doesnt understand them.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~* Goooooordon %*~
Who is Gordon?
~ ~ Coggerrrr%~
How do you know his name? He wouldn't help me anyway, he hates me.
~ ~ * a goooooood maannn ~
No he isn't, he yells at me on a regular basis. It doesn't even matter if I am there, I can hear him from the towers shouting my name with other explicit malicious profanities.
~ ~ * a goooooood maannn ~
Oh alright Biki, I will try, but he is going to say no. And honestly I think I would be better off with out him, what is he going to do to protect me against magic. Hit them with a stick?
Oh goodnight Biki, I have to go find that Cogger.
~ % >*

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