
The Twelfth Sun of Brotemburgh - Hour of the Howl

Biki it was a disaster!
~ ~ *%?
My Alchemy class that's what! We were supposed to do a simple incantation the teacher prepared for us to make the inanimate, animate. Simple, we were to take the rune stones and wave them over our elements whist reciting these words. Power of the stone, bring forth this being to my service. But something from deep down inside of me beckoned me to sing.

Of sticks and stones
I call your bones
Moss and sap
to bridge the gap
Come to me my little one
For the forest no longer calls you son

I don't know what came over me, but before I knew it there he was. This little thing, living and breathing. Professor Verata was enraged, she failed me from the class, and what's worse forbid me to take any other's like it. She said I was playing with the fates, and the power to create and destroy life should never be taken so lightly by a Mage in training, and of my level.
Oh Biki, she stripped me of my Alchemy ranks, and says she is going to have a long talk with Stathama when he gets back about my blatant disregard for the life forces.
~ ~ ~whhhaaat happenneeeed to the littllleeee onee?%*
Professor Verata took it away, she said she would speak with the council tomorrow before the ball to see what is to be done with the abomination.
~ *abominaaaation!%*
I know! He might have been a mistake, but he took a sturdy form, and if anything his ability to cower and show fear upon first creation attests to his ability think logically and fear old hags throwing you in cages. He was a success if you ask me, just not the success she was looking for...
~ ~*he feeaaarrsss?*
Not at first he didn't. When he was first created he seemed happy, and clumsy. Had problems standing, wobbly legs. Odikorh thought he was cute, but Odikorh thinks everything is cute. Odikorh tried to feed him a bug, but he ended up hugging it.
It died, he hugged it too tight, and I think that saddened the creature. But then Professor Veratta flipped her Cowl and took it away.
Oh Biki, I really do just keep creating trouble where ever I go. It's as if I'm cursed.
~ ~ La mir~
Hold on Biki, there is someone at the door, I think it is Odikorh, I wonder what he could possibly want at this time of the moon.

~ ~ * La ~ La Miralli~%* ~

The Twenty Fifth Sun of Brotembutgh

Sorry I haven’t written but things got a little crazy this week. Oh so much happened Biki, I don’t know where to start.
All right, don’t have to be so pushy Biki!

Well I guess it started the last night I was writing to you. That was Odikorh at the door, apparently he and the Cogger, ~Goooooordon%?~ Yeah what ever, anyway I guess they are like best friends now. And Odi was talking to the Cogger about the lil moss creature thing I made, and I gues the cogger felt really strongly against its imprisonment and possible termination.
So we snuck into the holding facilities and tried to take it back, ~ yooou?%*  Well I'm not heartless Biki. But when the stupid Cogger saw all the creatures being held he almost flipped his bolts. Then Odi had this bright idea to let all the creatures go.
I swear those two are dumber than a pair of onyx ceajai birds. All the creatures running amok… some of those are in there for a reason Biki.
~ yesss~
But it helped in causing a distraction for us to get away, we ran and hid in this storage cellar till the coast was clear. Or so we thought, as soon as we walked out, there was professor Verata just waiting for me. ~%!! She hadn’t seen the others, so I made a huge fuss pretending like I was trying to blame it all on them. Saying that they tricked me, and wanted me as a scape goat, then took off. She of course didn’t believe that, but she also didn’t believe they were behind me.
I figured it would be better if I got caught and not them, since no judgment can be passed until Stathama gets back, and I would like to believe he would be kinder to me. ~% thaaaats oddddd*~ I don’t know what you are talking about Biki, I always have my fellow brethren’s well being in mind. ~~~~
So I spent the last week in lock down, meditating and tuning my lyricasting. Check this one out.

Rocks will break
and Stone will erode

Time will win
and free me from this abode.

It didn’t work, but I still liked it. I think they fortified the doors with spell nullifiers for just such an occasion.
~ ~ ~ *
  For a week I sat in that prison day in and day out, pondering to myself. The Cogger was surprisingly nice to me, he created various contraptions and gadgets to keep me entertained while I awaited the return of my beloved husebind.
There was this one crystal wing he made for me, this pretty little bird, that when the sun shines on it’s crystals it would sing the most beautiful songs. I had no idea the Cogger even had a musical bone in his body ~ ~ coooggers actuallllyyy h* But ooooh Biki the songs that would come out of that bird. I tried casting  to the melody, but I would always get so wrapped up in its song I would forget what I was doing and just listen and daydream. ~ %whaaat of?* Well that is non of your business Biki.
It was really nice though… what Gordon.. ?*..The Cogger did… He was probably afraid I would turn him in and then it was back to Cog he goes. But still….
~ ~ ~ ~

~ Stathamaaaa?%~
He’s not doing too well actually. I saw him riding towards the castle on a hoof, but I wasn’t sure if it was him or not, so I took the goblet of water I had and tried your lyricast again. (it even works in a glass of water!!) ~%* But I could see it was him, he was just barely hanging on to his hoof, so I banged on my prison doors and told them our emperor has arrived, and he needs help. I tried to leave the tower, but the guards still wouldn’t let me. Can you believe them Biki!? Laws or no, I am still their EMPRESS!!
I couldn’t just sit there and wait Biki, I could see he was badly hurt in the goblet, but I couldn’t get to him. I don’t know what came over me but I jumped.
I know! Right out of the tower window! I don’t know what exactly I had planned would happen… Actually I didn’t really plan anything.
I just knew that my husebind was down there, and I wasn’t.
~ hoooow?%~
I don’t know, I closed my eyes, waiting for impact.
~ ~ ~
And then when I opened them, there I was… sitting on the ground, not a scratch on me…
~ how diiiid youuu?%*
I don’t know, but I was ok. I snuck into our quarters, and there he was Biki… My beloved husebind, lying in our chambers, struggling to breath. But he saw me, and smiled and I smiled with him.
The guards tried to take me back to the tower, but Stathama lifted his hand and they all backed off. That’s how mighty he is, he just lifts a hand… and they know… they just know.
I have been sitting with him for a few hours now taking care of him.
It is really hard Biki, ordering the priests to come and heal him, sending the peasant girls for more water and rags and telling them to not stop wiping him off. And then there are the cooks, my lord, it is like they have never cooked for a sick person before. I told them to make him a “heal all wounds” potion, and they gave me some “divine light” nonsense. I swear, I’m so glad we don’t have kids, throw a nanny in the mix and I would have gone crazy. It is just too much work sometimes Biki.
Oh he is asleep right now. This is the first chance I have had since all of this to write to you again. He keeps mumbling something too me that I can’t make out. Something about me not being safe, I can’t really understand it though. He must be dreaming.
~ saafe frommm whaattt?%*
I don’t know, but he is waking up now so I have to go. Hello again Biki, and good bye my friend, I will write to you again tomorrow.


The Twenty Sixth Sun of Brotemburgh

Well Stathama seems to be doing better with the help of those potions. He would be doing a lot better had they made the ones I suggested though. ~*"
The council still hasn't requested a trial for my misbehaviors, at least they have the decency to wait until he is well. Maybe if he takes long enough they will forget!
Biki!You really have no faith in me, I wasn't going to do anything to him, he is my beloved and I can do him no harm. But if something were to happen, that was out of my control... you know... I'm just saying....
Oh alright!

I went to Gor the Cogger's stables yesterday to see what was going on with the metal hoof.
Oh Biki, she is beautiful, her metals and flesh colors don't match, but I talked to Gordon about that. He says that he is going to stain the metal a bronze color once he is finished.
She has developed a few living hoof parts, and what she hasn't developed Gordon has created for her, and some of the parts he made, she has taken over and turned. Like the bones for the chest plate, half flesh half metal. She shimmers in the sun, and her emerald eyes glow fiercely as if they are the source of her power. I know she was a mistake, and I never should have dabbled in Haemocasting, but she is amazing. Even Gordon likes her now, I see him talking to her a lot while he works, and she seems to respond well to him.
~ ~ * hhhhooow often dooo you visiiiit himmm noooowww?%*
What do you mean I don't visit that dirty cogger. He is just on my way to a lot of places, and there is stuff around him I have to do, or see. So it is just by chance really that I run into him as often as I do.
And you know, he is taking care of Little Moss right now while we hide him, so I want to check up on him as much as possible. So it is only natural that I go visit Moss on a regular basis of two or three times a day, and if I just so happen to see Gordo.. the cogger well so be it.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~Littleeee Mossss?%*
Oh! Yeah that is the name Odi gave the Moss creature I created in our Alchemy class. You know at first I wasn't too fond of the little guy, but he really grows on you. Literally, he's made of moss.
But he is sweet, always follows Gordon where ever he goes like a little pewpie. Tries to help him too, by picking up equipment and handing it too him, but Moss is so small and weak by the time he picks something up, Gordon is already over there grabbing it himself.
~ % *
He is really cute, when ever I come over he just sits in my lap while I talk to Gordon.
~ abouuuut whhattt?%*
Oh, what, I mean when I check on the hoof. He sits in my lap, and we watch the hoof.
Are you calling me a liar? I don't know what you are talking about! I need to go anyway, it is close to resting and I need to make sure the servants give Stathama a sponge bath tonight. I can't sleep next to those stenches another night. I'm telling you Biki, taking care of a sick husebind is hard work. Good Night!

'~ ~ ~%>

The Twenty Seventh Sun of Brotemburgh

They scheduled my trial, it will be in two days Biki!! TWO DAYS!!
~ ~ ~ 
I don't know what to do! I have to be on my best behavior until then, I'm going to try to suck up to Stathama as much as possible as well.
Why!? Because husebind or not, he still has to appear to be a just ruler. Can't go around showing me favoritism.
~ maaaaake up?%*
I don't know, do you think I should wear more? You think that would work. I could seduce ~NNNNOO! Coouuld you doooo somethiiing to makeeee uuup for it?~
Oh, I don't know.... swap punishment for punishment, I don't think that is a really good plan Biki.
~ ~ ~ ~
I have just got to stay out of trouble the next few days and perhaps... Hey Biki! It's my fan boy!! ~%!!!!~
I thought he had gotten bored with me, but there he is behind that pillar. I gotta pretend I can't see him, but I will pick you up so you can see.

There did you get a glimpse?
~nnoooo *
Oh yeah, I don't see him any more. I wonder where he

~what juust haaappenneeeed?%*

~ ~ ~whhhyyyyyy am I on theeeee flooooorr?!%~*

~%? I cannn't seeee when myyy pages aree opeeeen!%~


Biki, that guy isn't a fan.


The Twenty Eight Sun of Brotemburgh

Oh my Biki, last night was something. That Fan Stalker boy attacked me!!
Can you believe that!?
I don't know, I looked up to see where he was and next thing I knew his hand was over my mouth and he was behind me trying to pick me up! I was so terrified I couldn't think, I tried to sing some sort of release enchantment or throw or something but I couldn't get anything out since his hand was covering my mouth. I thought for sure I was a goner!
~%wwhhhhaaaat hapeeneeeeed?%
Well we weren't too far from the stables, so luckily Moss saw it all and ran for Gordon. That Cogger gave him a good "one two" and the stalker ran off. That's kind of the thing about mages... They are so used to spells and enchantments in battle, most of them don't know what to do when someone throws a punch.
~%you owwwee Gordoooon*%~
I know, I ran and told Stathama right away! He wasn't too pleased that I had noticed this guy following me for a while and never mentioned it to the guards. But I explained I thought he was just a fan, and who was I to stop him from his dreams of being in the same room as the one he adores. I think Stathama thought I was joking.
~% I wish youuuu werreeee*
But Stathama is having a feast in Gordon's honor tonight for saving the Empress.
~ anyyy worrrrd on the heeeaaring?%~
Oh, well Stathama and I had a long talk while he was resting from his journeys. I guess they explained all my misdemeanors to him, and he asked me what was I thinking. And I was all "Well the first one, the hoof, I was like trying to make this totally awesome last Brotemberghevus present for you. And it would have totally worked had Gordon not distracted me." and he was all "I see"
And then I said the second one I was just really trying to make up for the Fellix.
~whhhaaat happened to the Felliiiiiiix?%~
Oh we had to let him go, he almost killed two of our soldiers.
~ ~ ~ ~
But you know every Emporer Arch Mage has a magic companion by their 3rd Julian. I was hoping it could be the Fellix, but I obviously messed up. And I could admit that, they really should label bodies on battlefields. I found his fathers shield, and thought the ashes above were his fathers, how was I supposed to know the enemy grabbed his shield after his death for protection. And all he said again was "I see".
So then I explained that after that all I wanted to do was free the little moss creature. It wasn't it's fault I messed up, and they would just kill it. I couldn't allow that, it was just a baby, and the other creatures all just looked so sad. I thought I was doing the right thing. Just because their mages and trainers messed up and abused their powers in the creation or training of these creatures doesn't mean the creatures should be punished for it. It is the mage's and trainer's fault and they should receive the punishment. Not the poor creatures whose only crime is existing, or doing as they are told.
~ ~ annnddd?
And Stathama smirked and said "I see"
~ ~ ~?
I don't know what that means either. I only wanted to make Stathama happy, he has done so much for the people, and me! And I just wanted to show him that I knew that.
I mean, I don't always show my appreciation. I know I get caught up in the gifts and shiny things and I don't always say, thank you. That's all I wanted to do, say thank you. But I just messed that up too.
~ %diiiiiidd you saaaay thaat to hiiiimm?~
No. He wouldn't understand.
~ I seeeeee%
Ah! Not you too Biki! What does that mean!!? Well I have to go Biki, the servants are setting the hall up for Gordon's dinner tonight, and I think I am going to try and help them. They have no sense of style when it comes to linen selections! Bye Biki!!

The Twenty Ninth Sun of Brotemburgh

Biki, my appeals are to be heard today before the Mage’s Council and Stathama. I’m a little nervous.
~ ~ ~*
Thanks for the vote of confidence.
I mean I trust Stathama, and I know he will do what is right. I just hope what is right involves me being let go with just like a slap on the wrist, or sent to your room with out dinner sort of thing. I mean, other mages…. In the past… have been… well for the haemocastings, and the performing spells surpassing my awarded experience levels… other mages have been….
~ ~ I knooooww~ *
What happened to you Biki? How was your soul bound to my parchments?
~ you diiiiiid thaat~
No, I mean before… Sorry about that by the way. I haven’t forgotten about you, I will figure out how to free you.

Some day…

But when Stathama created these bound parchments, he did not intend to bind a spirit to them.
~ ~hooow then?
That is my question precisely; someone else must have tampered with you before Stathama gave you to me. But why Biki?

~ ~ ~?*

Well you obviously were a Lyricaster, you definitely have the gift of song. But if you were a Lyricaster… Why aren’t you a banshee or one of the Morigna or anything else like that? What happened to you in  your crossing?

~ ~ I doooonn’t knoooow%*

So many mysteries about you my friend, so many questions. Don’t worry I will solve this riddle, I will save you, and I will get you a new binding ~ ~ ~~ … These strings are nice and all, but I got this new tunic, and I was thinking that you could get some ribbons to match. ~ ~ ~ You don’t want new ribbons?

Well as long as you are in this form you might as well enjoy it.

So do you want the Ribbons or not?

THAT’S THE SPIRIT BIKI!!! Your going to be so lovely! Now,  I have to get dressed to plead my case to the council. What do you think Biki? What says innocent more, Blue, white or Gold?

~ ~whhiiiiitteee~*

I don’t know, the white garments make my hips look like I have had a few too many roasted Koochaloos. Blue it is.

Wish me luck Biki!!

~ ~ <%}}*

The First Sun of Donnfir

You will never believe what Gordon said last night Biki!
We were talking with Stathama in the dinning hall, and Stathama asked why he came to Enochballia. Cause you know Mechs usually hate Mages, you never see them around our parts or visa versa.
Then he was telling Stathama how he was working for this injoonear, what ever that is, and he was putting up his equiptment to go home when this frog hopped up on his shoulder. ~ whaaaaat abouuutt* Biki you will never guess what happened next. Said the toad talked to him, thought he was going crazy, and he couldn't really make out what the little guy was saying. Something about Brotemburgh, he just shook it off as crazy wizardry tom foolery and never spoke of it. Until a julian later a bird did the same thing, only this time it was more audible. Said that the bird told him "Love is found in Brotemburghevus"
~ ~ soooo heeeeee?*
I don't know! I didn't say anything, I couldn't! The frog and wing I poofed somehow went to him!
~ ~ whaaaat did Stathaaaammaa saaaaayy?*~
Oh, uhhh, something about there being plenty of available women in the institute, but to just stay away from me.
~ ~atttt thheee heearrringgg?%*

OH BIKI! I completely forgot! It was marvelous!
Stathama sat through Mage's Council and the Professor's accusations didn't say a word. When they asked me to the circle, he stopped them. Said he had heard enough, then he stood up. In the robes I bought for him two julians ago, he looks so good in Tyrian Purples.
~ ~aaannd?
Oh and he said some long speech about our society, things we do wrong and stuff... You know.... One of "those" speeches. But he did quote me in the whole, we keep punishing the students for only obeying their teachers when we should be punishing the teachers. Then he said all my crimes were committed in his name aside from letting the creatures free and he would take what ever judgment the Council had set aside for me. And the time served in the tower would count as my punishment for the rest.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ whhhyy?
I guess he really did see what I was trying to say the other night. That and I think I over heard Gordon and Odikorh telling him that they were really with me that night. Oh Biki, the fates really were smilling on me when they placed Stathama in my possesion! ~whaaat's going tooooo happeenn?%* Oh he has to stay in the tower for a bit, I don't remember how long. He started his sentence this morning, that is why I had a feast for him last night. And invited all the castle, except for the stupid council, but they showed up anyhow. It was fun, I hired several people from the village to prepare the dinner so even our servants could enjoy the feast. Stathama said it was the best going away celebration anyone had ever given him. 

Well I have to say good night Biki, I'm going to go run over to Gordon's accommodations to see if he can make me one of those metal wings that I can send to Stathama up in the tower.

Good Night!

~ ~ ~ ~

The Second Sun of Donnfir

Biki, be glad you're a book and you don't have to deal with men. I never know what is going on under their cowls! 
~ ~ %*I wiiiissshhh Iii couuuuulld
I tried asking Gordon if he could make something like the metal wing he created for me when I was in the tower so I could send to Stathama. ~ ~ ~ He seemed offended, if anything he should take it as a compliment! I the Empress Mage of Enochballia asked a favor of him, for a small crafted trinket to give to my husebind! Others would battle for such an opportunity! ~%hiiisss intentionnns differ froooom youuurs*~ I really just don't understand how that is an insult.
We argued for quite some time before he finally agreed to do it, although he still refused to play the beautiful tune he gave to me. I really don't understand men Biki.
~ ~ hheee may noott sayyy ittt buuutt, he doeees noottt hiide itt%*
Now I can't even understand you Biki.
I have to go though, Odikorh and I are going to sneak into the apothecary's store rooms. ~%! We want to get some more stuff for Moss. ~ ~ youuu justtt got ouutt of I know Biki I know. But poor little Moss, all the sap we used sticks to everything, and the little guy has problems walking.
~ ~ ~ Youuu cannn'tt Ok, he's waiting! Good bye Biki!

The Third Sun of Donnfir

In two days it will be the Fifth of Donnfir Biki!
You don't know about the Fifth of Donnfir? Why thats the Day that Red Foxes freed Enochbalia and the whole Apythian Nation from the Jurisdiction of the Sanctum! No longer were we to answer to those Hexless White Robes any more!
~ whhaaaaatt?!*~ thee sanctuuuum is goooooone?%*
Yeah Biki, you have been dead for a while haven't you?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~*
Oh, well yeah, they say the Red Fox's leader was this powerful Lyricaster who should have been an empress like myself. But the Sanctum thought she was too powerful and had her excommunicated from her people, and they put themselves in charge of that kingdom until the next Lyricaster was to be born. But she didn't like that one bit!
It was bad enough every Hexed had to be registered and permitted before practicing, and watched at all times to make sure our magic was only used for good. But when they took over the kingdom they started getting ridiculous! Magic was only to be performed at certain times of the day, and only for approved situations. Any Hexed caught performing a spell of any kind out side of the university with out a permit was arrested of suspicion of treason!
~ ~ !*
I know, well the rightful empress took to the wilderness and gathered up a band of Hexed outlaws and some mechs and fought back! At first it was just robbing here and there from the Sanctum and giving it all back to the families of those arrested for treason. But that was only until they could execute their final plan.
~ ~ whhaaaat diid theeeeeyy do?*
They gathered up all their energy and basically haunted the castle.
~ ~ whaaaat?*
They enchanted EVERYTHING! Every item the sanctum owned was now out for anyone in blessed tunic's life. It was a nightmare, legends says from the city walls you could hear the wailing and screaming of the Sanctum trapped inside. And to this day that castle is still untouchable to any Hexless that enters it's gates.
~ ~ thaaats horriblleeee! *
Yeah, but most messages are, and boy did the Sanctum ever get that message! Leave Apythia alone, WE ARE PROTECTED!!
~ ~ and thiiiiis happened on the fiifftthh suuun of Donnnnnnnfir?%*
Yeah, like a hundred julians ago! And every julian children dress as members of the Red Fox or the spirits of the dead Sanctum and run about the city dancing and singing, and the elders hand out bijou confectionaries to represent the ritches stolen from the sanctum and given back to the people. And don't even get me started on the Red Fox balls.
~ ~ballls%*
Yes, and they are mine and Stathama's favorite, and he is going to miss it this year! I wish they could let him out for just one moon so I could go with him. You know we have never gone to one of those as a couple. I always went with his brother Nortona, since he was who I was betrothed to.
~ ~ Clloooooovin?%*
Yeah, Stathama's older brother, he died last year with Stathama's father in the war against the Sanctum. Oh Biki that is why this Moon of the Red Fox is so important, we celebrate the eve of the new victory on the sun of the first victory!
~ ~youuuu'rre at waaaaar?%*
oh yes, have been ever since then, but I have to go. I see Odikohr in the courtyard and I want to see if he wants to take me to the Red Fox ball.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<$%><

The Fourth Sun of Donnfir

Biki! Odikorh says he will take me! He said he had been planning on it ever since Stathama got locked up but kept forgetting to ask! I can't wait! I told him to be sure to leave his stupid animals at home though! ha ha!
~ ~ ~annnnimmaalls?%*
Oh Biki, the man really isn't the most powerful chant in the spell book. He can't understand why these stray creatures follow him everywhere he goes.
~ ~whyyy do theeey?*
Because he always feeds them!! You should see him sometimes, it really is a sight. Reminds me of that story someone told me a long time ago, of the man that made the princess laugh. You know that one? ~ Well he just has this trail of creatures tagging a long behind him, and they are always hopping up in his lap or on his stuff. He just pets them, plays with them, and then complains that they never leave him alone! He always asks why it is just him! It really is funny, especially because little moss gets so jealous of them sometimes. And tries to shoo them away with Odikohr.
~ ~ hooooww is mossssss?%
Oh wonderful Biki! We gave him more of a foundation and put herbs and flowers where he was sticking to things. The spell actually made him a bit larger too! Gordon was sad, because he can't sit on his shoulder anymore, but at least now Moss can help Gordon out a little.
Oh Biki the seamstress is here to make my costume for the ball tomorrow night! I have to go now!
~ ~

The Fifth Sun of Donnfir

Tonight was interesting, still haven't decided if it was good or bad though...
~ ~ whaat happenneeed?%~~
Well first off, Odikohr got this facial hair elixir mixed up with a kitten voice potion... and well lets just say he didn't really want to socialize. ~ ~ ~ ~ So there I was with no date AGAIN for the Red Fox ball! But Odikohr suggested to us that Gordon was the same size as him, and he could probably fit in the costume I had fitted for Odikorh. And then one of my maid servants pointed out that it would be a good display. Since Enochballia is trying to get the support of Cog again, if the Empress showed up to the most important ball on the most important moon to our people on the arm of a Cogger. It would show a great change in the views of our people, and could be the move we need to obtain their allegiance.
~ ~ whaaat did hee sayy?*
Well he mumbled a few things, something about being tired and not being able to dance. Which he was NOT lying about, and then finally said if I wanted him there, then he would be there.
~ ~ ~ ~
It actually added an extra touch to our costumes. Because I dressed as the Morrigna Morrigan, who legends say is the Red Fox empress, and he was the spirit of a fellow Red Fox Brethren. It was nice, because it shows Cog that we haven't forgotten they helped deliver us from the Sanctum all those years ago. And the maid servant even convinced me to speak at the ball to the Cogger Noblemen that attended. And I spoke of how we rose up against the Sanctum all those years ago despite our differences, and how I know that if we stand up together again. With our magic, and their tech, we will be victorious again.
 ~ ~~ thaaat was goood*
I know, I wish Stathama could have heard it. The people went mad with applause and cheering, even the Coggers, and even Gordon! I need to promote that maid servant somehow. She is already my personal maid servant I don't know what else I could do for her, but she has got some head on her shoulders. And I know that must have been tough standing up for what she believed in and speaking to me on this matter.
~ ~ whhhyy?
She is a Cogger as well, she probably thought I would send her back to Cog, or punish her. I need to do something for her.
~ ~ ~dooooesss shee have fammilly?%*
That's a wonderful idea Biki!!
But anyway, the festivities continued to go well, we danced, drank, ate, and were marry long into the third moon...... ~ ~ ~buuuuuttt?%~~
Buuuuut I noticed Gordon seemed different.
~ ~ hooooww sooo?%~
I don't know, he.... he was just different. By then end of the night he hardly talked to me, and his face was so red. I couldn't tell if he was angry or just had too much Tankerberry wine. But he didn't talk to me, and he was just awkward all of a sudden. I hope all is alright, I hope me using him as an olive branch to the Coggers didn't offend him. Biki, I'm so worried. I have actually grown found of the Cogger, I hope I didn't hurt his feelings.
~ ~ I dooon't thiiink thaaats it*
I hope not.

Well I have to call it a night, I am still a little buzzed from the dancing and wine and will pass out any minute now.
 Good night Biki!

~ ~ ~<3}>*

Oh and I saw Stathama from the tower as I was walking home with Gordon. He sent down enchanted cyssans, and I caught them and blew him some back. He is still just as sweet as the first time we met.
Ok NOW goodnight!

~ ~ ~ *

The Sixth Sun of Donnfir

Odikorh is leaving us!
He says something big is happening in his world, something about some dragon or something coming back. ~!!* And he is worried about that Campion guy.
It is so sad! Just when he was starting to grow on me he has to up and leave! I don't know what Gordon will do with out him, and poor little Moss has no idea what is going on. He is going to be heartbroken. ~ ~ yeeees*
And who is going to take care of all the strays that made the castle walls their home?
~ ~youuu couulld*
I guess, but I don't want them following me like they always do him. I should get one of the servants to do that for me. Maybe we could set up a little shelter or something for the ferals? ~ ~thaats a goooood ideeaaa%* Yes I will talk to my maid servant Kailei at once, she's going to love this one. ~ ~ havvee youuu spoke with herrrr?%*
Oh yes, she was very excited! We have sent for her family in Cog, as soon as Stathama gets out of the tower he is going to dub her my official adviser and assistant. Her sister is going to become my new maid servant and her family will be given other jobs around the castle. She was very happy, she told me how she came here to make a name for her family and that she had dreamed of being able to afford to one day bringing them here as well. I told her I would set her up with a new place inside the castle, and her earnings would be tripled.
~ ~! !*
I might have went a little over the top there, probably should have asked what she was earning before I said that, but it felt good.
~ ~I'm surrreee shee appreciatessss it*
Yes, well I have to go now. I want to have a Good Journeys celebration for Odikohr tonight, so Kailei and I must prepare.

Farewell my loose leaf friend!

~ ~ ~