In two days it will be the Fifth of Donnfir Biki!
You don't know about the Fifth of Donnfir? Why thats the Day that Red Foxes freed Enochbalia and the whole Apythian Nation from the Jurisdiction of the Sanctum! No longer were we to answer to those Hexless White Robes any more!
~ whhaaaaatt?!*~ thee sanctuuuum is goooooone?%*
Yeah Biki, you have been dead for a while haven't you?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~*
Oh, well yeah, they say the Red Fox's leader was this powerful Lyricaster who should have been an empress like myself. But the Sanctum thought she was too powerful and had her excommunicated from her people, and they put themselves in charge of that kingdom until the next Lyricaster was to be born. But she didn't like that one bit!
It was bad enough every Hexed had to be registered and permitted before practicing, and watched at all times to make sure our magic was only used for good. But when they took over the kingdom they started getting ridiculous! Magic was only to be performed at certain times of the day, and only for approved situations. Any Hexed caught performing a spell of any kind out side of the university with out a permit was arrested of suspicion of treason!
~ ~ !*
I know, well the rightful empress took to the wilderness and gathered up a band of Hexed outlaws and some mechs and fought back! At first it was just robbing here and there from the Sanctum and giving it all back to the families of those arrested for treason. But that was only until they could execute their final plan.
~ ~ whhaaaat diid theeeeeyy do?*
They gathered up all their energy and basically haunted the castle.
~ ~ whaaaat?*
They enchanted EVERYTHING! Every item the sanctum owned was now out for anyone in blessed tunic's life. It was a nightmare, legends says from the city walls you could hear the wailing and screaming of the Sanctum trapped inside. And to this day that castle is still untouchable to any Hexless that enters it's gates.
~ ~ thaaats horriblleeee! *
Yeah, but most messages are, and boy did the Sanctum ever get that message! Leave Apythia alone, WE ARE PROTECTED!!
~ ~ and thiiiiis happened on the fiifftthh suuun of Donnnnnnnfir?%*
Yeah, like a hundred julians ago! And every julian children dress as members of the Red Fox or the spirits of the dead Sanctum and run about the city dancing and singing, and the elders hand out bijou confectionaries to represent the ritches stolen from the sanctum and given back to the people. And don't even get me started on the Red Fox balls.
~ ~ballls%*
Yes, and they are mine and Stathama's favorite, and he is going to miss it this year! I wish they could let him out for just one moon so I could go with him. You know we have never gone to one of those as a couple. I always went with his brother Nortona, since he was who I was betrothed to.
~ ~ Clloooooovin?%*
Yeah, Stathama's older brother, he died last year with Stathama's father in the war against the Sanctum. Oh Biki that is why this Moon of the Red Fox is so important, we celebrate the eve of the new victory on the sun of the first victory!
~ ~youuuu'rre at waaaaar?%*
oh yes, have been ever since then, but I have to go. I see Odikohr in the courtyard and I want to see if he wants to take me to the Red Fox ball.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<$%><
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