We were talking with Stathama in the dinning hall, and Stathama asked why he came to Enochballia. Cause you know Mechs usually hate Mages, you never see them around our parts or visa versa.
Then he was telling Stathama how he was working for this injoonear, what ever that is, and he was putting up his equiptment to go home when this frog hopped up on his shoulder. ~ whaaaaat abouuutt* Biki you will never guess what happened next. Said the toad talked to him, thought he was going crazy, and he couldn't really make out what the little guy was saying. Something about Brotemburgh, he just shook it off as crazy wizardry tom foolery and never spoke of it. Until a julian later a bird did the same thing, only this time it was more audible. Said that the bird told him "Love is found in Brotemburghevus"
~ ~ soooo heeeeee?*
I don't know! I didn't say anything, I couldn't! The frog and wing I poofed somehow went to him!
~ ~ whaaaat did Stathaaaammaa saaaaayy?*~
Oh, uhhh, something about there being plenty of available women in the institute, but to just stay away from me.
~ ~atttt thheee heearrringgg?%*
OH BIKI! I completely forgot! It was marvelous!
Stathama sat through Mage's Council and the Professor's accusations didn't say a word. When they asked me to the circle, he stopped them. Said he had heard enough, then he stood up. In the robes I bought for him two julians ago, he looks so good in Tyrian Purples.
~ ~aaannd?
Oh and he said some long speech about our society, things we do wrong and stuff... You know.... One of "those" speeches. But he did quote me in the whole, we keep punishing the students for only obeying their teachers when we should be punishing the teachers. Then he said all my crimes were committed in his name aside from letting the creatures free and he would take what ever judgment the Council had set aside for me. And the time served in the tower would count as my punishment for the rest.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ whhhyy?
I guess he really did see what I was trying to say the other night. That and I think I over heard Gordon and Odikorh telling him that they were really with me that night. Oh Biki, the fates really were smilling on me when they placed Stathama in my possesion! ~whaaat's going tooooo happeenn?%* Oh he has to stay in the tower for a bit, I don't remember how long. He started his sentence this morning, that is why I had a feast for him last night. And invited all the castle, except for the stupid council, but they showed up anyhow. It was fun, I hired several people from the village to prepare the dinner so even our servants could enjoy the feast. Stathama said it was the best going away celebration anyone had ever given him.
Well I have to say good night Biki, I'm going to go run over to Gordon's accommodations to see if he can make me one of those metal wings that I can send to Stathama up in the tower.
Good Night!
~ ~ ~ ~
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