I am really starting to worry about Stathama, he was only supposed to be going an afternoon hunting trip and he has been gone for two days now.
~ ~ thheee allllaaaaarrrdin~ ~ *
that's a wonderful idea Biki! Hold on one second I will talk to the captain.
Ok, I'm back, sorry that took so long. It appears he and his men had already started a search for him yesterday evening, it would have been nice had they brought it to my attention. He said that they can't find him in their crystals or ponds. And they say they are battle mages, how are they supposed to find our enemies if they can't even find our king.
~ ~sssillently he lisstens, hoping for a ssssouuund, instead there's onnnnlly silennnce, nothing buutt the crown ~*
Biki, can you see him? How?
~ tt~ through he daaaarkess he hooolds to the light ~ ~ searching to end hhheeeeeer birthright~ ~*
Biki, how did you, are you ... how is that possible? Only human souls can... Biki, who are... who were you?
~ l ~llosstt in the valley of the beeaaaasst he searches for the aaaanswer~ *
Were you a Lyricaster like me? But how is that possible?
Biki, answer me!
~ ~ hhhhope growing ddddiiiim, he will not sssstoooop until savesssss her ~ * %
Biki I don't understand... what do you ... Wait a second... end HER birthright! !SAVES HER!! Who is she!? BY ECTOR'S STAFF!! HE HAD BETTER NOT BE CHEATING ON ME!!!!!!
Biki answer me! What do you see?
How can you see it? Were you some sort of lyricaster before, but that would mean you were nobility or a Pavee... oh please don't tell me you were a Pavee, those people are disgusting, and no I don't want to buy a dog.
Biki, I made a joke, did you get it? Cause Pavees are always trying to throw a dog into the deal. Biki?
Well if you are going to be that way, I'm just going to say goodnight. Here I was trying to cheer myself up during this time of great distress and you can't even laugh at my jokes, seriously Biki, some friend you are.
~ ~
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